Primarily found on hardwoods, these fungi 'bleach' by consuming lignin, which is the slightly pigmented area of a wood cell wall. White Rot The mottled white pockets and bleaching effect seen in spalted wood is due to white rot fungi. Pigmentation can occur on both hardwood and softwood, unlike other types of spalting which are more host specific. While pigmentation fungi do not degrade the wood cell wall, this type of decay can lead to a reduction in toughness (amount of energy absorbed before breaking), and increased permeability. Mold fungi, such as Trichoderma spp., are not considered to be spalting fungi, as their hyphae do not colonize the wood internally. The most common groups of pigmentation fungi are the imperfect fungi and the Ascomycetes.

These pigmentation fungi often colonize wood via the rays, but are not considered decay fungi due to their non-destructive use of easily available wood carbohydrates. A visible color change can be seen if enough hyphae are concentrated in an area. Pigmentation Also known as sapstain, or in its most common form, bluestain, this type of spalting occurs when the darkly-pigmented fungal hyphae grow in the sapwood parenchyma of a tree.

Softwoods are susceptible to brown rot which degrades the wood too quickly to be used for woodworking. Spalted wood may exhibit one or all of these types in varying degrees. Spalting in hardwoods is divided into three main types: pigmentation, white rot and zone lines. Although spalting can cause weight loss and strength loss in the wood, the unique coloration and patterns of spalted wood are sought after by woodworkers Although primarily found in dead trees, spalting can also occur under stressed tree conditions or even in living trees. Spalting is any form of wood coloration caused by fungi. Its color ranges from pale brown to almost white with brown streaks. Although not as tough, stiff, or heavy as hard maple, soft maple tends to resist warping and twisting better. Soft maple, although similar in appearance to hard maple, produces lighter wood with more pronounced grain. Many woodworkers find the unique grain patterns of maple burl particularly appealing. Generally straight-grained with a consistent texture, maple also can have a bird's-eye or curly (also called fiddle back) pattern. These qualities make it more valuable than heartwood, which is uniform in color and runs from light reddish brown to dark brown.
Maple sapwood has a clean, white appearance, is free from defects, and is typically 3" to 5" thick. Soft maple follows the same range, but grows in damper ground-lowlands, swamps, and stream banks. The largest quantities of hard maple are found around the Great Lakes, and Michigan and New York produce the most trees in this country. Hard maple flourishes west and south from southeastern Canada and Maine to Minnesota, Missouri, and Alabama. They form two broad commercial groups: soft maple and hard, or "sugar," maple-which is tapped each spring for its sap. Hematite Dr.Twenty-three species of maple grow in Canada and the U.S.
Our family business owns a full sawmill, two dehumidification kilns, and dozens of shop tools from industrial planers to multiple dowelling machines. If you are in need of custom milling for your business, please contact us. We regularly ship freight quantities of lumber all around the United States, Canada, and overseas. If you are a lumberyard or custom carpenter looking for a couple hundred, or a few thousand, board feet of Birdseye Maple, Curly Maple, or any of the exotics, please contact us. In addition to our retail website we offer a full line of exotic lumber at wholesale. As each new niche woodworking market develops, we are eager to provide the exotic wood species and sizes that meet their demand. With the power of the Internet we are able to provide our over fifty species of exotic wood to woodworkers from around the world. Birdseye Maple Curly Maple (Tiger Maple)Ĭue Builders, Bowl & Pen Turners, Bowyers, Game Call Makers, and many other specialty woodworkers love the look of nicely finished exotic wood. We mill up the Birdseye Maple and Curly Maple (Tiger Maple) into lumber and then stack it into one of our dehumidification kilns, where it stays for about one month, until dry. Once the auction has finished, the logs are delivered to our sawmill located one-half mile from our warehouse.

We regularly visit these bids to choose the best logs available. Each week local loggers harvest Birdseye Maple and Curly Maple (Tiger Maple) trees and bring them to area log bids.

Located in Northern Michigan, we are in the center of Birdseye Maple Country.